The Group

Aaron Franczek, Collin Hartman,Monica Kling, Sarah Meleski, Claire Pattison, Amanda Schmidt, Becca Scholz, Alyssa Stuiber, Becky Thorn, Ryan Treviranus, Gracie Ventura Haas, Marcie Weiss, Jenny White, Robert Bhatia, Jill Braasch, Jenni Herrick and Laine Philippa

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Raising the Tower by Ryan Treviranus

This morning we worked on raising the tower that will hold the motor and fins for the windmill. While the legs were being attached to the foundation, we dug a trench that will hold the pipe that carries the water from the well to the holding tank. This was a bit harder than it sounded. We had to first dig down to the entrance valve to the holding tank, which was about three feet down. Then we proceeded digging the same depth all the way to the windmill (about 20 feet). Before I knew it I looked up and noticed the top layer of the windmill's legs were being attached. We then worked together to help the motor get up to the top of the tower using a pulley system. Tomorrow we will finish putting on the fins and hopefully get to see the first drops of water come out of the pipe.

After dinner we got a chance to hear from two Tanzanian workers, a cook and a gardener. The gardener works in the vegetable garden for the school that the water project is connected with and the cook is a cook for the school. It was interesting to hear what the career world of Tanzania is like compared to our country. We learned yesterday that your education in Tanzania pretty much sets where you will end up for a job, whereas in the states we still have a chance to gain experience elsewhere to change our career goals. At first this saddened me to hear these stories of hardship but I realized there is something greater there than just laborious work. These men have learned what it truly means to work for your gifts. I feel as though in the states we sometimes take our jobs for granted and don't truly appreciate the effects of a hard days work. We have luxuries of two week paid vacations, and options for new careers when we get bored with our old one. Here a man or woman works hard just to get a job whether or not it is of his or her interest. I can tell they have hopeful spirits as well and don't look down upon their careers but appreciate that they have something. Our country could learn a lot from the Tanzanians' work philosophy.

This experience so far has been heartbreaking for me. Today we met a family with a father and daughter who are both infected with HIV-AIDS. The man's wife left with their other children when she found out the two carried the disease. After the meeting I felt guilty for all I worry about in my life. I worry about which career to choose or what state to move to when these people are simply worrying about how to live. I was having a rough time with this thought but then I realized that there was a purpose for this experience. It just made my want to serve even stronger. Yes there are great issues going on in other countries around us but taking advantage of opportunities such as this water project will hopefully enlighten more people to give any way possible to others. Our only way out of such darkness is to come together as a community to share our gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man that story of the father and daughter definitely is heartbreaking :( And that's just after reading about it...I can only imagine the connection you felt to them, personally knowing them. But it's great to hear that you are motivated to serve more. I can't wait to hear about more of your experiences, positive or depressing. miss you!
