The Group

Aaron Franczek, Collin Hartman,Monica Kling, Sarah Meleski, Claire Pattison, Amanda Schmidt, Becca Scholz, Alyssa Stuiber, Becky Thorn, Ryan Treviranus, Gracie Ventura Haas, Marcie Weiss, Jenny White, Robert Bhatia, Jill Braasch, Jenni Herrick and Laine Philippa

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What we want people to know about Tanzania

Hello Friends,

The students are packing their bags as they will be on a plane back home tonight.  They have some final thoughts to share with you.  Here is what they want you to know about Tanzania...

"This hasn't only been life changing, but soul changing.  I have learned so much about family, life, water and what I take for granted.  Thank you Tanzania!" - Alyssa Stuiber

"This trip has taught me many lessons about appreciation.  It has been life-changing and I'll never forget the people I met or the things that I learned."  - Jenny White

"Water is life, and not everyone in the world has the privilege to have it.  As an educated person, I feel I have more to give to the world and I hope others feel the same way." - Claire Pattison

"People are people.  Regardless of where you are in the world a smile is universal and the gift of life is precious.  Tanzanians, although they have less money than us, have far richer spirits." - Monica Kling

"Every time I visit a third world country it amazes me how easy life is back home.  It puts life in perspective and makes me appreciate my own life.  I hope to bring this simplicity home to help me stay grounded."  - Amanda Schmidt

"What Tanzanians may lack in material wealth, they make up for in the important things in life - family, relationships, and love.  I hope to remember the importance of these aspects of life when I get home." - Collin Hartman

"Poverty does not equate unhappiness.  The Tanzanians I met were all friendly, welcoming and joyful." Marcie Weiss

"The thing that touched me most was seeing the difference in poverty here compared to the US.  In the US, we have more options." -  Ryan Treviranus

"The people of Tanzania are the friendliest and most welcoming people I have ever encountered.  We are clearly foreigners and the people we passed on the road constantly waved at us.  Shopkeepers also were eager to ask us questions about ourselves and our home towns." -Aaron Francek

"The best part about this trip is that we were able to learn the culture of the people. Getting to know the people first helped us to understand and appreciate.  I hope to teach people more about culture." - Becca Scholz

"This trip is a great experience for people in all walks of life; students, teachers, professionals should all find time in their lives to come and experience the great adventures of Africa." -Gracie Haas

"My appreciation for things we take for granted (food, water, shelter and health care) has been increased and I would love to serve all people for the rest of my life.  So, Africa..."Kwaheri Tuta Onana - I will be back!"  -Robert Bhatia

"The relationships that were created and the interactions that I had with the Tanzanians was my favorite part of the trip.  My heart lies here with the people of Tanzania." Sarah Meleski

"This experience has taught me that as people, we all need to take care of eachother.  We may be different on the outside, but inside we are all the same. Here in Tanzania love and compassion reign. " Becky Thorn

"Tanzania is rich with human resources. It abounds with a strong sense of community which can be witnessed within a family, at a church service or on the side of a highway as they prepare food for themselves or for sale."  -Jill Braasch

We are all thankful that we had a wonderful, safe enriching experience.  We thank you for your prayers and support.  We want to especially thank Father Timothy Coday for not only being such a great host and teacher but for his great contribution to the people of Tanzania!

See you all soon! 

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